Civic & Community Engagement


What is Civic &




Civic and community engagement involves individuals actively participating in decision-making processes that affect their communities and personal lives. This includes various activities like voting, volunteering, community organizing, and political advocacy, all aimed at promoting a more inclusive and informed public dialogue.

Civic engagement is complex, necessitating a diverse range of voices and platforms to address public interests effectively and improve community welfare through both political and non-political channels.


Why does it


Community participation amplifies the impact of foundations' efforts to build a more just and equitable world. Whether it's tackling poverty, advancing environmental sustainability, promoting public health, or defending human rights, the active involvement of a civically educated populace creates the foundation for sustainable change.

Civic engagement equips individuals not only to advocate for their own rights and interests but also to collaborate in solving complex community and societal problems.

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Current Reality


Civic Disengagement

Imbalanced Power Structures and Homogenous Representation

Social and Political


Fragmented and

Divided Communities

Persistent Inequitable


Robust Civic Participation

Shared Decision-Making and

Diverse Representation

Constructive Dialogue

through Shared Values

Inclusive and Collaborative Communities

Just Opportunities for All

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myth busting

It’s not just voter registration

Your foundation is already playing a crucial role in supporting vibrant and empowered communities.

Acknowledging existing efforts can help your organization determine the next best step in your CCE journey.


Teaming up with nonprofit organizations, businesses, or government entities to tackle community challenges collectively


Supporting organizations who foster inclusive and equitable approaches to community empowerment and systems change


Providing training, leadership development, or advising to help nonprofits or community groups enhance their effectiveness


Using your platform to share current data and unbiased information that empowers best practices and self-advocacy


Funding research or evaluation efforts to help better understand a community’s needs or a program’s impact


Identifying existing strengths, resources, assets, and networks within communities

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The enduring philanthropic backing for projects centered on social services, healthcare, education, and the environment remains pivotal in enhancing a community’s quality of life. By supporting the physical and mental well-being of individuals, we pave the way for increased civic participation and community development efforts.



When exploring CCE grantmaking, consider that the time and financial investment needed will likely increase at the higher tiers. Also, recognize that the greatest social impact will be realized when all elements receive full support.

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Discover resources under each of these pillars.

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Resources in this toolkit are organized by the key pillars of Civic and Community Engagement. There is a variety of resources in each section to meet the needs of diverse philanthropic entities.


Efforts to involve more people in shaping public policies, social issues, or governance structures for the betterment of society.


Initiatives promoting communication, decision-making, leadership, and information sharing to build trust and unity.


Designing a positive environment for community well-being and prosperity, especially benefiting marginalized groups.


Targeted efforts to address root causes of social issues through structural changes within institutions, policies, or practices

Need help getting



TAKE OUR QUIZ to find the resources that are most likely to resonate with your team.

Or download the discussion guide to spur productive conversations about CCE grantmaking at your organization.

Jump straight to a subsite of resources for your self-assesment results using these buttons, or keep scrolling to view resources organized by CCE Pillar below.







section onE

Civic Participation



Public Affairs Public Safety Education





One key aspect of civic participation in the US in voting in local, state, and federal elections in order to shape public policies, social issues, or governance structures. Research from the Institute for Citizens and Scholars reports that most young adults 18-24 in the US are less likely to vote in the 2024 federal election than the general population.




lack basic civic knowledge

are politically disengaged or don’t identify with politics

find discourse across lines of difference informational

Emerging Champion

An introduction to the field of civic learning, support understanding of this increasingly important topic, and inspire attention and interest in this space during an important time

A comprehensive guide to federal tax and election laws governing nonprofit organizations in an election year and the right ways to organize voter education activities

An interview with civic engagement gurus on their observations and experiences working with funders and nonprofits in recent years.

Dashboard of funders and recipients of grants supporting civic education, leadership development, organizing, engagement, civic integration of immigrants, and volunteerism.

Engaged Mobilizer

A three-hour in-person workshop for grantmakers focusing on assessing readiness to fund civic engagement and how to overcome barriers in your CCE journey

Short guide discussing the rules private foundations must follow in an election year, while still being bold advocates and ensuring increased participation in the election.

Practical guidance to help you choose the activities that make the most sense for your civic engagement and Get Out The Vote (GOTV) programming given your state and local regulations

A list of activities public and private foundations can and can’t fund through general support grants, specific project grants, or use the foundation’s resources.

Empowering Advocate

The Kirwan Institute's Principles for Equitable and Inclusive Civic Engagement framework describes essential elements of effective civic engagement in communities dealing with the adverse effects of disinvestment, discrimination, or disenfranchisement.

The Seattle Foundation’s Civic Participation Framework includes a set of impact strategies seeking to drive forward policy change.

Dashboard of funders and recipients of grants supporting civic education, leadership development, organizing, engagement, civic integration of immigrants, and volunteerism.

This guide lifts up concrete ideas and examples for community and public foundations to encourage voter engagement among their grantees and networks.

Civic Participation

case studies

Years of Advocacy for New Community Gathering Places is Paying Off

With support from The Colorado Trust as part of its Community Partnerships strategy, dedicated advocates in Clifton are bringing to life the community’s vision for safe neighborhood spaces, including a much-anticipated playground and community center. For more details, visit The Colorado Trust.

Lighting a Path Toward U.S. Citizenship for Aspiring Americans

The "Naturalize Now, Houston!" initiative, launched by the city, county, and community partners, aims to support 300,000 eligible permanent residents in their pursuit of U.S. citizenship, enhancing civic participation and strengthening the region's democratic fabric. For further details, please visit Houston Endowment.

Addressing the Lack of Funding for Native Communities, Together.

The Native American Advised Fund at the Santa Fe Community Foundation, was established in 1993 with a gift from the late Allan Houser (Chiricahua Fort Sill Apache). Grants are made from the fund based on the recommendations of an advisory committee. All members of the advisory committee are drawn from the local Native American communities.

section two

Social Cohesion



Public Safety International Relations Sports and Recreation





Social cohesion fosters trust and belonging that enables collective decision-making in communities. A lack of social cohesion affects political participation such as voter turnout, limits dialogue amongst diverse groups and leads to increased distrust in important democratic institutions such as the media or government.

1 in 3

people in the US believe that “most people can be trusted”



as many people report feeling lonely today compared to 1980

youth are not in school or working

Emerging Champion

Outlines some of the major theories of change for advancing social cohesion and explores ways funders can support these strategies

A map for funders to visualize an “ecosystem of cohesion-advancing efforts” and begin to imagine their place in it

A toolkit designed to help funders engage in an approach to problem solving that supports democracy and pluralism while also reducing toxic polarization.

Highlights the role strategic giving plays in civic engagement and rejuvenating civic life in America

Engaged Mobilizer

Recommendations on how to build more connected lives and a more connected society.

Government funding and policy is bound to affect your philanthropy. Here's how to work with—and around—government.

Sneak peek at the key findings in advance of the release of the full report this spring and learn how you can develop the heartset, mindset, and skillset to bridge differences

Examines how faith communities influence American civic life and offers a guide for funders to collaborate with faith communities

Empowering Advocate

Three lessons from the Civics Language Perceptions Project for organizations trying to better understand how use of language impacts efforts to motivate or mobilize everyday people toward civic engagement.

The report lists eight recommendations for individual foundations and the sector to take to prevent the funding of hate.

Guides about launching a participatory grantmaking process, concrete tools to help you design and implement your grantmaking program

New Pluralists is a funder collaborative focused on supporting the growing field of practitioners, storytellers, researchers, and innovators working to foster a culture of pluralism in America.

Social Cohesion

case studies

Building Social Cohesion Among Diverse Youth During COVID-19

A pilot program from the YMCA, the Youth Unity Project, connects young, new immigrants with young people in their respective receiving communities to engage them on issues related to social justice, belonging, and social cohesion.

The Power of Connecting the Generations

CoGenerate has a toolkit on the power of connecting generation examining what lies behind entrenched generational divides and how funders can support the growth of inter- generational innovation. For more details, visit CoGenerate.

Funding Redistricting in California: An Analysis of Philanthropy California's Fair Representation Fund

Co-Workers Communicating Together

This report details the efforts and impacts of Philanthropy California’s Fair Representation Fund, a pooled fund supporting inclusive redistricting processes. For more details, visit Philanthropy California.

section Three

Place Making



Arts and Culture Environment and Animals

Community & Economic Development





At a time when trust in local government is high and civic engagement is low, placemaking efforts can promote civic engagement and participation in local political processes. By investing in placemaking efforts, philanthropy can promote civic engagement in communities, build trust in political institutions, and transform political participation. According to Gallup:


trust local government to handle local problems



trust their state government to handle state problems

trust the federal government to handle domestic problems

Emerging Champion

An introduction to placemaking. This defines what placemaking mean to community members by exploring the essence and impact of placemaking.

The author argues that placemaking is a viable form of political participation that has the potential to meet or exceed some forms of traditional participation in democratic effectiveness.

Four funding strategies local governments can use to advance equitable placemaking in their communities

describes the four qualities of a place and presents "The Place Diagram," a visual tool to help people judge a place

Engaged Mobilizer

Four funding strategies local governments can use to advance equitable placemaking in their communities

Digital toolkit and videos to support local leaders as they embark on the work of bringing diverse partners together to integrate arts and culture into community development and planning

Overview of efforts to help people in local communities build common ground, and take an active role in creating their community’s future together.

An outcome-oriented framework that defines transformative placemaking as a new form of integrated practice for getting there

Empowering Advocate

Approaches chosen by the five cities, and the mix of successes and challenges they’ve encountered, to create a better civic commons through collaborative funding

WFHF conferred with hundreds of people to get their thoughts on how philanthropy could make real the promises of legislation, including providing support to communities benefiting from new federal investments.

This report uses the idea of “placemaking” as a framework for describing how transforming public spaces can improve health outcomes.

Highlights the impact of the Knight Foundation's philanthropic grantmaking in supporting revitalization efforts in select downtowns and neighborhoods

Place Making

case studies

Financing Creating Placemaking: Analyzing Data and Trends for a Field in Transition

To understand existing funding streams and patterns in creative placemaking, this report analyzes the project budgets and narratives from grants made by three funders— ArtPlace, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), and the Kresge Foundation—between 2010 and 2019. For more details, visit Financing Creative Placemaking

WE-Making: How Arts & Culture Unite People to Work Toward Community Well-Being

The Center for Arts in Medicine’s guide offering a conceptual framework document, a theory of change, and case study vignettes to help funders and practitioners in the arts, public health, and community development to articulate the shared benefits of their work. For more details, visit The Center for Arts in Medicine.

Beyond traditional measures: Examining the holistic impacts of public space investments in three cities

This brief is part of a three-part series which examines the economic, social, and civic impacts of public space investments in Albuquerque, N.M., Buffalo, N.Y., and Flint, Mich. by Brookings Metro. Using on the ground research to observe the holistic impact numbers cannot capture on investment of public spaces. For more details, visit Brookings Metro.

section FOUR

Systems Level Advocacy



Human Rights Public Affairs Health International Relations





In a 2023 survey by Pew Research Center, 24 countries describe representative democracy as a somewhat or very good way to govern their country. However, enthusiasm for this form of government has declined since 2017 and the survey highlights significant criticisms of the way it’s working. Across the countries included in the study:




are dissatisfied with how their democracy is functioning.

think elected officials don’t care what people like them think.

say no political party in their country represents their views.

Emerging Champion

This report provides a valuable landscape analysis for funders and other partners focused on the challenges and opportunities facing our small cities and rural areas.

Tips and resources foundations can use to find and evaluate opportunities to strengthen democracy.

One-page how-to guide about how foundations and funders can act as community conveners, bringing institutions and stakeholders together to develop a comprehensive action plan to strengthen civic learning

The Center for High Impact Philanthropy at UPenn's guidebook outlines the elements of a strong democracy and a framework for philanthropic action

Engaged Mobilizer

10 ways foundations can engage in policy advocacy, with real life funder examples funders

Resource library for foundations at any point in their advocacy journey webinars, workshops, assessment tools, resources and technical assistance.

A comprehensive approach to collaborative governance with insights and best practices

Best practices for funders and advocates for structuring effective campaigns, resourcing campaigns, and fostering productive partnerships between funders and grantees.

Empowering Advocate

White paper on how philanthropists can participate in community organizing to build a multiracial, pluralistic democracy and an inclusive economy

How foundations can both fund and conduct advocacy including examples of how foundation investments have generated meaningful policy change and links to other publications and fact sheets.

A wide range of information on the various ways in which philanthropy can and should support efforts to build and preserve democracy

The issues crucial to democracy health identified by funders encompass traditional and emerging concerns in response to evolving threats to democratic institutions.

Systems Level Advocacy

case studies

MacArthur Foundation: Strengthening American Democracy

MacArthur Foundation's approach to making multi-year grants for a set of institutions working on campaign finance reform, elections administration, and voting rights, through three national election cycles. For more details, visit The MacArthur Foundation.

Marguerite Casey Foundation: Freedom Scholars

Marguerite Casey Foundation provides unrestricted support to leaders in academia whose research provides critical insight from and to social justice leaders and whose ideas encourage us to imagine how we can radically improve our democracy, economy and society. For more details, visit Marguerite Casey Foundation.

Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation: A Ten-Year Blueprint for Census Philanthropic Engagement

Streamline Your Communications.

The Funders’ Census Initiative (FCI), a program of the Funders’ Committee for Civic Participation (FCCP), mobilizes philanthropy around a fair and accurate census, with a focus on historically undercounted communities. FCI engages and educates philanthropy by providing forums for funders to learn, strategize, and plan together; developing and distributing resources; and monitoring and sharing updates on Census Bureau policies and operations. For more details, visit Funders’ Consensus Initiative.



Ready to dive into lasting systemic reform? There's no time like the present!

Your community is counting on you.

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funding mechanisms

Funding CCE Initiatives

Participatory grantmaking

Participatory grantmaking involves granting decision-making power to impacted communities, serving as a civic engagement mechanism.

Funding collaboratively

Collaborative pooled funding aligns philanthropic giving based on shared goals, focusing on systemic change through collaboration and strategic alignment to amplify impact.

Embedded philanthropy

Place-based foundations known as embedded funders focus on long-term commitment to specific communities, establish direct relationships with various actors, prioritize community partnerships in philanthropy, and offer support beyond traditional grants. This approach fosters trust, encourages civic engagement, and supports community-wide initiatives.

Giving circles

Giving circles unite individuals with shared values to collectively decide on donations, supporting causes and community involvement. Community foundations and grant makers often support this funding approach.

Donor advised funds

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) enable donors to establish charitable accounts at institutions like community foundations. Donors retain advisory privileges to recommend grants from the fund for charitable purposes, supporting civic engagement without managing the grant-making process.